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In one comprehensive program, Competent Manager Program equips managers what otherwise could take years of experience to attain.

This program is designed for successful executives who are transitioning from functional to general management roles or taking on broader responsibilities in the organization. The primary focus, in terms of management development, is to anchor leadership and business principles in the context of organizational systems, and to build capabilities for leading across teams, functions and territories. Through its intensive and flexible curriculum, the program unites future leaders in a microcosm of learning that far exceeds even the best on-the-job training.


Each module is designed to address the need as a high performance competent manager

* Click on image to view a bigger chart

The module selection and training duration are unique to each organization
Each module will take one to two day duration for delivery, depending on organization's need
Client to decide the language delivery, venue and the timetable for the training
A Competent Manager Seminar (optional) will be conducted for the articipants to present their project assignment to the Senior Management

* Click on image to view a bigger chart

The program is differentiated with rich subject contents, dynamic and fun-filled action-based interactive learning experience.

Participants acquire the knowledge, skills and attitude to become competent managers by:
Examining the interrelationships between functional areas and how they shape the role of general management;
Broadening their perspective of the organization-then using this enhanced vision to formulate effective management decisions;
Mastering new concepts, best-practice techniques, and proven strategies for managing in today's competitive business environment;
Developing a cutting-edge approach to leadership shaped by business trends, teamwork, and technology innovations; and
Learning to recognize vast, new opportunities in the new marketplace to capitalize on them ahead of the competition.

Click here to Download Knight Series. (.pdf - 456KB)

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