Customer Service Excellence


In today’s business environment, providing excellent customer service can be the critical difference in your organization’s success.

Customer service involves all the activities, more than just handling complaints, providing refunds or exchanges on returns, and smiling at customers. Customer service also means having the right mindset and going out of your way for the customer, doing everything possible to satisfy the customer, and making decisions that benefit the customer.

This fun and interactive workshop will be conducted with a good blend of instructions, discussions and role-plays.  Participants will have the opportunity to observe and practice live customer handling skills and leave the program with a personal action plan for delighting customers, both internal and external.


Program Objectives

Create awareness for service quality and excellence
Provide a platform for participants to experience service from both the customer’s and provider’s perspectives
Enhance personal service professionalism
Manage customer expectations and demands effectively.
Shift the participants’ mindset from “doing my job” to “doing what my customers value most”.
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