Professional Business Writing


Poor writing and bad grammar can stall or sink an otherwise successful career or business opportunity.  Are your team’s business documents, letters, e-mail messages, reports, proposals are full of jargon and buzz-words that the meaning is lost forever? Are the documents so long or so unorganized that readers give up on the first page? Do these documents present your organization in the best possible light?

This workshop is designed for anyone who needs to get the main point across clearly and quickly. Participants learn practical, immediately useful techniques that help them write from the readers’ point of view, organize information clearly and logically, and present a professional image of themselves and their organization.


Program Objectives

Understand and follow the six principles of effective business writing
Focus on and satisfy readers’ expectations
Ensure the message is quickly understood and accepted by the reader
Avoid word inflation
Adopt a variety of preparation techniques
Write convincing, persuasive and powerful documents that achieve the objectives
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